Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A little note by Lydia Le

Little Notes

To my viewers,

I would like to confirm that some features on the left, of this blog, are the defaults from the website which is picked for designing this "EEB308 - Assignment Tasks" blog. In particular, the statement saying "View my complete profile" will link to my G+. If you know how to delete it, please advise me.

My G+ is NOT my complete profile, but the collections of my interests.

Another note, this blog is designed to store my work towards 20% assessment weighing of the EEB308 subject studying at the Charle Sturt University. The works contributing towards 80% of assessment weighing are stored in my different platforms such as my Google site for EEB308 and the ACSF - Core Skills Collection (Numeracy), and other unpublic channels.

Wishing you have a nice relaxing time!

Thank you,

Lydia Le

Link to my Google site
Lydia Le @ UTS

Friday, September 23, 2016

Assessment item 2:Part B-[Designing] [Numeracy] ASSESSMENT

CSU EEB308 - Subject Coordinator: Dr Annette Green
Task item 2-Part B: [Designing] [Numeracy] ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY

Value: 40%
Length: 2000 words (guide only)
Due 17 October 2016

There are three sections need to be done in the item 2 Part B, as follows.
 Section 1 (500 words)

Section 2 (500 words) 

 Section 3 (1000 words)

A reminder note from the subject coordinator for this task:
-Only five references would be adequate
-This is a summative assessment; the research-base in answering Task Item 1 can be used and referred.

CSU-APA Referencing at

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Resource 5 - WSU Math Circle

Source: [Wichita State University]   WSU Math Circle
Task Item 2: Part A - RESOURCE 5
Math circle

The following image is downloaded and imported from the WSU Math Circle

By using the Paint software, from the Wichita State University - Department of Mathematics and Statistics web page - available at http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/index.html, the following Figures 1, 2, and 3 of the pages of the Math 750J Project  - leading by Professor William H. Richardson, and the Topic Tree, are respectively collected and imported.
Figure 1 - The cover image of the Math 750J Project page, designed by the WSU Math Circle

Figure 2 - The cover image of the Topic Tree page, designed by the WSU Math Circle

Figure 3 - The cover image of the ACTIVITIES page, designed by the WSU Math Circle

Relevant information from the WSU Math Circle: A Timeline for the History of Mathematics

5.1-My first date accessed: 31 August 2016  http://www.math.wichita.edu/MathCircle/

5.3-What does the website offer?
The site offers: The site has been created by following the program with a name of “Math 750J Project”. The site states that the goal of the program, leading by Professor William H. Richardson, was to produce a website which would be a source of information for teachers of mathematics.
The site offers numeracy separating to four parts of TOPICS, ACTIVITIES, MEN and WOMEN that I find they suit for those in learning Numeracy at high levels.
On the TOPICS web page, the site provides different mathematical fields and their focus areas.
Going further paths, for each topic field, there are separate pages containing academic information about theory, and activities for both learning and teaching purposes.
The site offers numeracy information in a range of mathematical areas. The following list outlines Mathematical focus areas of Geometry, Arithmetic, Metric System, Number Theory, Number Systems, Statistics, Algebra, Calculating Devices, Logic, Probability, and Special Numbers that are offered by the site.
1-Geometry: The Line-Divider, Line Design Spirals, The Mobius Strip, Euler’s Formula (The Five Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron, Cube,  Octahedron, Dodechaderon, Icosahedron), Tangrams, Tessellation, Polyhedron -3D of the plan polygon (Tetrahedron-4 faces equilateral triangles, Octahedron – 8 faces equilateral triangles, Hexahedron Cube 6 faces squares,  Icosahedron-20 faces equilateral triangle, Dodecahedron-12 faces pentagons).
2-Arithmetic: Egyptian Arithmetic: The Venn Diagram; and Arithmetic Around the World: Multiplication, and Rules for Divisibility
3-The Metric System
4-Number Theory: Pascal’s Triangle, Perfect Numbers, Fermat’s Last Theorem, Magic Squares, and Moessner’s Magic.
5-Number Systems: The Number Sense, Quipu – An Inca Counting System, Fractions of Ancient Egypt, The Mayan Number System, The Egyptian Number System, The Greek Number System, The Babylonian Number System, and the question Where Did Numbers Originate?
7-Algebra: Algebra in Nature, Boolean Algebra, The Hailstone, and Functions
8-Calculators and Calculating Devices: The Abacus, Calculators in the Classroom, and The Slide Rule.
10-Probability: Pascal’s Wager, and Bernoulli Trials
11-Special Numbers: Perfect Numbers, Square Numbers, The Nature of Pi, Prime Numbers, Amicable Numbers, The Golden Ratio, Animals and Numbers, Ideal and Irrational Numbers, Fibonacci Numbers, and The History of Zero.

5.4-Who might find the website useful?
Like the above resources of #1, #2, #3, and #4, this site is extremely helpful for people dealing with a range of mathematical matters.
Focusing on the VET context, I find that, this resource #5 will be useful for trainers/teachers conducting and students taking the courses obtaining any numeracy unit in a list of 39 Numeracy Units of Competency as below.
FSKNUM01 Use beginning whole number skills and money up to one hundred for work
FSKNUM02 Use beginning skills related to time and 2D shapes for work
FSKNUM03 Use whole numbers and money up to one thousand for work (Learning skill: Develops language of working with numbers and money up to one thousand)
FSKNUM04 Locate, compare and use highly familiar measurements for work (Learning skill: Develops language of measurement and Writing skill: Records measurement and result of calculation)
FSKNUM05 Identify and use some common 2D shapes for work  (Learning skill: Develops language of shapes)
FSKNUM06 Use highly familiar maps and diagrams for work  
FSKNUM07 Locate specific information in highly familiar tables, graphs and charts for work  
FSKNUM08 Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work
FSKNUM09 Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work
FSKNUM10 Identify and describe common 2D and some 3D shapes  
FSKNUM11 Read and use familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work  
FSKNUM12 Identify and interpret information in familiar tables, graphs and charts for work  
FSKNUM13 Construct simple tables and graphs for work using familiar data  
FSKNUM14 Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work
FSKNUM15 Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work  
FSKNUM16 Interpret, draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work
FSKNUM17 Use routine maps and plans for work  
FSKNUM18 Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for work  
FSKNUM19 Interpret routine tables, graphs and charts for work  
FSKNUM20 Use basic functions of a calculator
FSKNUM21 Apply an expanding range of mathematical calculations for work
FSKNUM22 Use and apply rations, rates and proportions for work
FSKNUM23 Estimate, measure and calculate measurements for work
FSKNUM24 Use geometry to draw 2D shapes and construct 3D shapes for work
FSKNUM25 Use detailed maps to plan travel routes for work
FSKNUM26 Read, interpret and use detailed plans, drawings and diagrams for work  
FSKNUM27 Collect, organise and interpret statistical data for work
FSKNUM28 Use routine formulas and algebraic expressions for work
FSKNUM29 Use introductory graphical techniques for work  
FSKNUM30 Use common functions of a scientific calculator for work
FSKNUM31 Apply a wide range of mathematical calculations for work
FSKNUM32 Use and calculate with complex measurements for work  
FSKNUM33 Collect, organise and analyse statistical data for work
FSKNUM34 Use and apply concepts of probability for work
FSKNUM35 Use algebraic and graphical techniques to analyse mathematical problems for work
FSKNUM36 Use trigonometry for work
FSKNUM37 Use introductory matrices for work
FSKNUM38 Use introductory vectors for work
FSKNUM39 Use introductory calculus for work

5.5-How might you use/ how have you used this website with students?
As mentioned in my previous post, like the resource #1, this numeracy resource might be used for teaching and learning a wide range of numeracy course listing on my previous post. I might use the information from the site to design questions for formative assessment through understanding and classroom thinking activities. For example, based on a diversity of numeracy functions and topics, learning activities, I might implement activities for pre-assessment to understanding students’ numeracy levels. Students might need to fill in pre-designed form to oral or written communication activities. Another example is that the resource might be used to design a project requiring students to practise the site in Maths and Number functions, they might need to reflect their understanding in oral and/or written report showing evidence of their works and the reflection on using the site. I found that this resource might be suited in designing and practising activities for formative assessment / and on-going assessment. Also, it might be used to design thinking and understanding activities for the purpose of engagement and motivation in teaching and learning. 
In addition, in the VET context, for example in teaching the Unit of competency FSKNUM24 Use geometry to draw 2D shapes and construct 3D shapes for work, students might be asked to access to site and practise on a range of available activities for the formative assessment. I have found such activities are useful, in particular, in engaging, motivating and creating a quality learning environment.

In the VET, and the school contexts, focusing on my key teaching Business Studies, commerce and Finance, I consider Resources 2 - MyTax is the best resource and is the most useful. Considering all the above resources might be very helpful for all trainers and learners, however, I would use them as powerful ideas and tools to stimulate and encourage my students to think, create, explore and produce their own learning products.

The same applies to me, as an educator, while the above resources are useful I would still prefer to design new activities myself for formative and summative assessment toward students' learning achievements and goals.

Resource 4 - AWPN's Resources

[Numeracy Resource Collection]

Task Item 2: Part A - RESOURCE 4

4.1-My first date accessed:  31 August 2016
4.2-Site's address: http://awpn.com.au/resources/
Awpn - resources
By using the Paint software, from the AWPN-Resources webpage - available at http://awpn.com.au/resources/ , the following image of the Resources page,  is collected  and imported.

4.3-What does the website offer?
By providing its label of leading the development of foundation skills in the workplace, the site offers a range of resources including Numeracy targeting the Australian workplace.
In particular, the resource of the  Numeracy by Measure is very interesting. This resource is a free professional development resource to build practitioner awareness of workplace measurement skills to better meet the skills needs of adults in the workplace including: understanding measurement in the workplace context, understanding measurement skills areas, building workplace measurement skills, unpacking measurement skills using the Australian Core Skills Framework. The Numeracy by Measure includes a Numeracy by Measure guide with professional development activities, ‘snapshots’ that unpack the measurement skills in authentic job tasks including bicycle fitting, cabinet fitting, health monitoring, show fitting, small goods packing and tyre wall markings.
In addition, I find that the resources such as a PD guide for WELL (Workplace English Language and Literacy), Digital Ready, Foundation Skills Assessment kit, and Numeracy by Measure, Be Money Smart, ACSF Assessment tools, ACSF Skills check, Foundation Skills Videos, FSK Training Package, Growing skills trainer guide, Linking ACSF mapping information, How to locate foundation skills into a unit of competency, Numeracy Focus, and Numeracy in practice are extremely important for all VET trainers that contribute toward the achievement of levels set by the ACSF.

4.4-Who might find the website useful?
Confirming on its web page as "leading the development of foundation skills in the workplace" (AWPN, n.d), I have found that, teaching and learning in the VET context, this site is one of the core resources for all VET teachers. Therefore, the site will be crucial for all VET trainers/teachers and learners, in teaching and learning of broad areas of VET courses.

AWPN (Australian Workplace Practitioners' Network, n.d.). Resources. Retrieved 19 September 2016 from http://awpn.com.au/resources/

4.5-How might you use/ how have you used this website with students?
With a range of information from the site, I found this resource is helpful in keeping activities on right tracks. For example, in teaching and learning the topic of SIR20216 - Certificate II in Retail Services (Release 1), with the resources,  this site provides a considerable amount of information in designing activities for on-going assessment or formative assessment during classroom sessions and/or summative assessment at the end of the teaching program. Activities towards units of competency such as SIRXIND002 - Organise and maintain the store environment (Release 1), and SIRRINV002 - Control stock (Release 1) could be effectively achieved by implementing resources for designing new on-going or classroom activities. 

Although the resources are closely linked to the Australian workplaces, I have found that the information from the site is not focused on details of classroom activities, or formative assessment, therefore, the teachers might use this information to generate their own classroom activities that abide by the requirements of the relevant Units of competency. 

By strongly focusing on units of competency, I will regularly check new information from this site in order to design activities of all formative and summative assessments for my teaching in the VET context.

Resource 3: Skills Workshop-Numeracy

[Numeracy Resource Collection]

Task Item 2: Part A - RESOURCE 3
Skills Workshop – Numeracy

By using the Paint software, from the Skills Workshop - Numeracy webpage - available at http://www.skillsworkshop.org/numeracy, the following image of the 'Numeracy Resource' page is collected  and imported.
3.1-My first date accessed:  31 August 2016

3.3-What does the website offer?
On its web page, Skills workshop confirms that it provides Free Functional Skills and Skills for Life resources
The site allows users to select learning level(s) and subject area(s) in the designed boxes to find resources to suit. The site offers a convenient channel by displaying clear guidance in learning Numeracy topics and using resources. It guides that to see full details of the chosen resource, including file downloads, “more like this”, “see also” and comments, the users only need to click on the title of a resource that they are interested in.  
Focusing on Numeracy, the site concentrates on dimensions and areas of Functional Maths, Number, Measures shape and space, Data handling, General numeracy / maths, Calculators, and Mental maths.
 First, in the Functional Maths part, the site allows users to practise on Number, Measure, shapes, and Data handling.
Second, in the Number part, the site focuses on the areas of whole numbers, and Fraction-Decimal-Percentages. The area of whole numbers includes Place value and counting, Round, Estimate, Add, subtract, multiply, divide, Solve whole number problems, Solve problems involving algebra, Calculate ratio and proportion, and Negative number. The area of   Fraction-Decimal-Percentages includes Decimals, Equivalents, Fractions, Percentages, and Solve fraction decimal & percentage.
Third, in the part of Measures shape and space, the site focuses on the areas of Common measures, and Shape and space. The area of Common measures includes Money, Time, Length, Weigh, Capacity, Temperature, and Scale drawings. The area of Shape and space includes Perimeter-area-volume, 2-D and 3-D shape, and Positional vocabulary.
Fourth, in the part of Data handling, it includes Extract and Interpret information, Collect-Organise-Represent, Averages and range, and Probability.
Finally, the site offers other areas include General numeracy/maths, Calculators, and Mental maths.
I have found this website is extremely useful because it covers a broad range of Numeracy focus areas which are also required by the ACSF.

3.4-Who might find the website useful?
Because the site delivers Numeracy Resources covering a wide range of mathematical areas, such as Functional Maths-Number-Shape and space- Data handling, therefore, the resource 3 would be useful for teachers and learners who conduct and study topics involving with the focus-areas that covered by the site. In the VET context, the site will benefit to whom involving Numeracy courses.  Particularly, regarding FSK - Foundation Skills Training Package - I find that the site would be greatly useful for trainers and learners who conduct or take the three following qualifications focusing on Numeracy Foundation Skills as below.
*FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
*FSK10213 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways, and 
*FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways.

3.5-How might you use/ how have you used this website with students?
As mentioned, my key teaching areas are Business Studies, Commerce and Economics in secondary education. However, currently working as a casual teacher teaching a wide range of almost subjects in different public schools, both primary and secondary, depending on the lesson’ outcomes, I would use information from this website to tailor, design, create and generate new numeracy activities linking to my teaching topics. For example, with my view of data handling, based on the Units of competency, I would ask my students to access this webpage for the section of Data Handling. I would ask them to practise some “Thinking Activities” to complete a research by collecting and filling information for the worksheet of  “Postal rate – Sending Items within the Australia” which is based on  information of “Postal rate – Sending Items within the UK”  for the pre-assessment of finding students' numeracy levels at the start of the course.
In the VET context, using the site in designing this activity is used, for example the unit of competency SIRXSLS002 - Follow point-of-sale procedures (Release 1) of the course of SIR20216 - Certificate II in Retail Services (Release 1). 
In addition, for other relevant Units of Competency, I would set numeracy levels depending topics’ outcomes to identify their numeracy level at the start, during and end of my teaching programs. 
As mentioned, this site is not the Australian base, therefore, I found that, for almost activities, the users might get its ideas then they would need to redesign activities that suit their teaching contexts and learning outcomes. 

I have found that this site provides a number of ideas in numeracy teaching that the teachers could benefit in developing their knowledge and skills in programming for numeracy activities.

Resource 2: ATO-My Tax

[Numeracy Resource Collection]
Task Item 2: Part A - RESOURCE 2
ATO - MyTax

By using the Paint software, from the ATO's website, available at https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/, the following image of the 'Individuals' or 'MyTax replaces e-tax' page is collected and imported.

2.1-First date accessed:  31 August 2016

2.3-What does the website offer?
The Australian Taxation Office announces that from 1 July 2016, a new site of MyTax is available for Australian taxpayers to prepare their individual Tax Returns. Dealing with real information, MyTax is an online tool helping individuals to lodge their own information for tax purposes, and they can get their Returns-Refund or Payable liability, back in the fast pathway. The function of Pre-fills is provided to ensure that all related data are smoothly and automatically linked to other relevant organisations providing necessary information towards completing the tax return. In addition, it is believed that the site has been upgraded to do everything e-tax could do, plus extra things it could not process such as investments, rental properties, and capital gains or are a sole trader (ATO, 2016). My Tax brings a number of advantages. ATO confirms that MyTax is a more streamlined, efficient and personalised service. Using MyTax, the taxpayers do not need to download anything and the lodgement can be lodged on a range of devices like personal computer, Smartphone or tablet. In addition, this web site discloses a range of valuable, authentic and official information; these transparently provide real life tool, particularly, in developing knowledge of taxation and preparing tax documentation for individuals. Using Tax Online services for many years, in this financial year ended 30 June 2016, I have found that MyTax is a very convenient, and easy tool to exercise to claim my tax.

2.4-Who might find the website useful?
All taxpayers might benefit from the transparency of information about taxation in terms of finishing/completing individual Tax Returns by themselves.
In VET contexts, this website provides useful, meaningful, and authentic resources for vocational trainers and TAFE educators.  Data from the Training.gov.au site shows a range of courses in the areas of practising, teaching and learning of Finance, Accounting and Taxation.
This government's website delivers information of tax documentation and knowledge of taxation. Therefore, it provides valid, reliable, transparent, and authentic materials assisting learning, teaching, and practising towards taxation activities. Particularly, two VET units involving the site's materials are found: the Unit of Competency FNSACC502 - Prepare tax documentation for individuals; and the Unit of Competency: FNSFLT206 - Develop knowledge of taxation.
In general, along with TAFE trainers and learners completing the courses such as Diploma of Accounting FNS50215, or Certificate II in Financial Services FNS20115, individual taxpayers would benefit by getting directly information from this website. 
Further, in the VET context, the following tables display a range of training packages and qualifications consisting of the Unit of Competency FNSACC502 as below.
Training package Code
FNS- Financial Services Training Package
Financial Services Training Package
SIS10- Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package
Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package
SIS- Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package
Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package

Qualifications that include FNSACC502 - Prepare tax documentation for individuals 
Qualification Code
Diploma of Sport Development 
Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management 
Advanced Diploma of Accounting 
Diploma of Accounting 

Overall, I found that a number of tax payers preparing tax returns by themselves, and students and teachers involving training packages and or getting the above qualifications will benefit from information of the Resource 2.

2.5-How might you use/ how have you used this website with students?
In the past few years, in my local community, through the Tax Help program held by the ATO (Australian Taxation Office), I had used this site (the old version) in helping low income people to get their Tax Returns. Although the Online Tax for individuals is designed with clear steps of filling information only – individuals need to type in figures such as the total income and total expenses, I found that people -clients, receiving this free service were not familiar with the technology – they were not confident in using the computer or laptop; also, the majority of their income was from Centreline allowance and/or dividends from their investments which were a very simple type of income. Using this site, the clients were served in one-to-one basis, we needed to fill in all questions which have been designed for the online forms. From my experience, it took about 30 to 50 minutes in order to finish one individual tax file / claim, depending on how complexities of the income and expenses were. However, in many circumstances, if people received a single income, then the time for completing one file/claim was about 15minutes or less.
In addition, in assisting people to practise themselves for their own tax returns, using this site, I also conducted some workshops introducing techniques showing the learners how to use the site to claim the individual Tax Returns. The feedback from learners showed that they had found the site was very useful and that they might use it for their forthcoming Tax Returns. 
In contrast, year after year, because the tax online structure is often changed to meet the changes of the Tax law, I found that many  people receiving multi-sources of income such as salaries, superannuation and capital gains, and having complex expenses such as HECS, logbooks, and union fees, etc…preferred not to  use the online but their tax agents.
In the VET contexts, for example as mentioned in my posted cluster 2, I would use this site in teaching, for example, the unit of competency FNSACC502 - Prepare tax documentation for individuals by asking students to access and practise with their real information. 
However, I have found and believed that by suggesting and introducing this site to a wide range of people would develop the common knowledge in taxation for all taxpayers in our communities, because there are two things which cannot be avoided for all taxpayers. These are their taxes and their deaths. (Note: this statement stems from a quote “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes” – by unknown). 
For my future teaching, based on syllabuses’ outcomes, I will choose this website to generate a wide range of learning activities for the subjects of Commerce, Business Services, and/or Business Studies focusing on Personal Finance topics in the approach to the authentic and meaningful teaching and learning. These activities would be considered as formative assessments during my teaching program. Also, the information from the site could be used to design the summative assessment conducting in the final stage of the program of individual tax returns.